Prison Ministry

"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners...” Luke 4:18 (NIV)

The first Sunday of every month is reserved for our prison ministry team to visit with the incarcerated members of our community. 

At the Edmonton Young Offender Centre (EYOC), our team conducts a full service that includes prayer as well as worship in songs.  The team also spends time speaking to the group, and end with a call to discipleship. 

We are focused on speaking to these souls with love and compassion, as exemplified by Jesus Himself.  We are committed to bringing hope to those who are incarcerated and feeling isolated and hopeless; we want every prisoner to know that, although they may physically be behind bars, they can experience freedom and deliverance, through Christ. That is the "good news" of The Gospels.